I would say she skipped a few grades.ġ0304F - Heh. Could be more capable than I gave her credit for.)ġ7007F - Whaat?! You love me? Come now this is not the time for that!ġ7000F - But I did well enough to be invited, and the Prince has been kind enough to help me along the way…ġ7003F - I’m representing the school so I HAVE to do my best.Ġ0005F – (A girl? Seems to be wearing a school uniform.)Ġ0105F - Now that I think about it I heard about a student who is assisting the Erebonian government.Ġ0109F - Exceptional and always looking towards her future… I believe that may be her.Ġ0204F - I am feeling a strange sense of Déjà vu right now.ġ0100F - Haha.

Is it the one that the Epstein Foundation and the Reinford Group worked on?)Ġ0004F - (Seems to be well informed, too. We didn't have the actual files of where it was located until now.ġ7002F - Hello, Angie? Yeah, we’re on a break right now.ġ7000F - Right, everyone in Class VII is in Garrelia Fortress right now.ġ7004F - Crow’s there as well so I’m not really worried, but it’s hard not to think about them with the Liberation Front still out there.ġ7003F - I’ll be sure to be careful here, so you guys do the same!Ġ0005F – (She’s using a device I’ve never seen before. It was originally done through a youtube video showing the conversation. I think that's her.Ġ0305F - Are you serious.She looks like a kid.ġ0100F - Hahaha, probably skipped grades.ġ0304F - Haha, She could be same age as LloydĠ0002F - She looks mature for her age so that could be a possibility.Ġ0102F - I would love to get close to her.but maybe not this time.ġ7005F - Let's see.organize the minute and check the announcement draft for the Imperial News.ġ7003F - Oh, and I need to correspond to the Trista broadcast's interview request.! That's right, everyone in the Ⅶ class is at the Fort Galleria.ġ7004F - Crow-kun is there so nothing to be worried about but Liberation Front's activity is a concern.ġ7003F - I will be careful, so Ann-chan, you guys take care there!Ġ0005F - (.What kind of device is she using to talk to? Something that the Foundation and the RF company from the Empire joint developed?)Ġ0004F - (She seems to have a clear grasp of the situation.She's capable than I thought)ġ7007F - What.? You love me? Stop it, it's a serious situation!ġ7000F - But we were invited, and the prince has been so nice to us.ġ7003F - Above all, I'm representing my school so I better do my best!Ġ0005F - (A girl.? She seems to be wearing a uniform)Ġ0105F - I did hear there's a student helper in the Imperial Government entourage.Ġ0109F - She's supposed to be brilliant and came here for her study's sake.